BCMA Annual Report Survey results
The BCMA Annual Report was sent out to the membership at the end of May, and we asked readers to respond to a brief survey to help us gauge member satisfaction with the report and make changes for the future.
Many survey respondents indicated that they didn’t read some or all of the report due to a lack of time, which is consistent with past years. Those who did read the report were most interested in the President’s report, the section on improving the patient journey, and the Board of Directors’ report. Most respondents felt that the length of the report is just right and had a neutral or good opinion of the publication’s design and visual appeal. The majority also felt that the report succeeded in informing members about the BCMA and improving their confidence in the management and accountability of the association.
Readers generally found the format of the report appealing and easy to read, although there was a suggestion of using a larger and darker font for older readers. Other commenters found the report concise and transparent and appreciated that it included patients’ perspectives. One reader suggested including a brief summary of each report to provide readers with an overview of the content, and another suggested providing more information on the work of the BCMA.
Finally, many respondents requested that the report be produced electronically only, in order to save printing and mailing costs and to make the report more environmentally friendly. The Societies Act requires the BCMA to send a printed annual report to all members unless the association passes a bylaw permitting another method of distribution. Until such time, the BCMA is obliged to print the report.
The BCMA thanks all readers who provided feedback on this year’s Annual Report, and congratulates the winner of the survey respondent draw, Dr Alison Harris, who won a 2-night stay at any Coast Hotel in Canada.
—Tara Lyon