President responds
Through the Council of Public Affairs and Communication (CPAC), the BCMA Board did review the options for video conferencing the upcoming AGM that will be held in Prince George. Video conferencing a meeting of many hours presents some technical challenges. No supplier could commit to being able to maintain a video link for the duration of the meeting. So, for purely technical reasons video conferencing is not a viable alternative.
But the larger issue CPAC and the Board considered relates to singling out Vancouver as a place that needs special treatment as it relates to the AGM.
The vast majority of AGMs are held in Vancouver and that requires members from across the province to travel if they want to attend. On the rare occasion when the AGM moves to another location the Board felt the same terms should apply. Any member wanting to attend the AGM has to travel to where the meeting is being held.
I believe the Board’s decision was a fair one.
—Geoffrey Appleton, MB
BCMA President