Homeopathic medicine (arsenic and aconite) and Health Canada
The pharmacies in London, UK, and Singapore carry homeopathic medicine including arsenic and aconite. Each preparation has a statement of “A homeopathic medical product without approved therapeutic indications.”
In contrast, similar preparations are found in health food stores in Canada with “endorsement” from Health Canada, and with drug identification numbers. Homeopathic medicines are used by both naturopaths and homeopaths and some are self-medicated.
Because of the extreme dilution active ingredients are not measurable, and therefore the homeopathic medicines are supposedly without side effect and “without approved therapeutic indications.” However, there has been a report of a homeopathic medicine containing aconite resulting in cardiac complication.[1]
Health Canada should consider raising its regulation standards to match those of the British and Singaporian health authorities, as well as those of the US FDA.[2]
—H.C. George Wong, MD
1. Guha S, Dawn B, Dutta G, et al. Bradycardia, reversible panconduction defect and syncope following self-medication with a homeopathic medicine. Cardiology 1999;91:268-271.
2. Wong HCG. Ephedrine: FDA and Health Canada. BC Med J 2011;53:262-263.