Seeking physicians’ input: What is your experience with myalgic encephalomyelitis?

Dr Hilary Robertson (ME|FM Society of BC) and Dr Luis Nacul (BC Women’s Hospital Complex Chronic Diseases Program) invite physicians to complete a short 5-minute survey as part of a community engagement project about patient and clinical stakeholder experiences with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME; also called chronic fatigue syndrome) in BC.

It is important to examine ME patient and health service needs in the provincial context to improve patient care and support, and to inform policy decision making in our province. To date, a needs assessment of this type has not been completed in BC, nor elsewhere in Canada. The larger goal is to inform a framework for a larger and more robust provincial ME needs assessment study.

This project is currently seeking participation from a variety of clinicians and health care decision-makers across BC. All clinicians are encouraged to participate, regardless of clinical experience with ME patients. Survey results will add to information gathered from 25 patient-interviews from across BC. The project is funded by the Vancouver Foundation.

To participate, click the survey link below and complete the form. No personal identifying information will be retained. To be included in a draw for one of two $100 gift cards, also provide your contact information where requested in the survey (it will not be linked to survey data). The survey will be open until 4 August 2020.

Complete the survey here:

If you have questions related to this survey, please contact our co-lead researcher, Hilary Robertson, PhD, at or Lana LeBlanc, MPH, research coordinator, at
—Lana LeBlanc, MPH
Research Coordinator, ME/FM Society of BC

This post has not been peer reviewed by the BCMJ Editorial Board.

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