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Author profile
Ron Wilson, MD, CCFP
I recently attended the 4th Congress of the International Society of Physical Activity and Health with conference attendees from around the world. I went mainly as an observer as I was not presenting anything. Thus, I... Read More
Think Again is the name of Participaction’s campaign to raise awareness that children and youth are not as active as they should be, and many parents are unaware of the recommended level of activity for children. The... Read More
When we hear someone say “childhood obesity,” what do we think or feel? Do we think, “Oh no, not again, I’m so tired of hearing people get on their soapbox about this.” Do we think, “Well, yes, it is a big problem. If... Read More
The American Heart Association released a new guideline on dietary sugar intake in August 2009. Since 1970 dietary sugar intake has increased by 19%, adding about 76 calories per day. Soft drinks and other sugar-... Read More
We continue to face the growing obesity epidemic and its fallout (increasing rates of diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and related depression and anxiety). We hear about the dieting industry and its reported... Read More
Traditionally, the Olympics lead to an increased emphasis on sport and elite athletes’ quest to “own the podium.” We only need to see the demand for tickets to our own 2010 Winter Olympic events and the buzz associated... Read More
A recent study suggests that you’re better off being fat and fit than thin and inactive. If you are anything like me (one of those average people who put on weight in their thirties and forties), once the weight is... Read More
I was pleased to see the cover of the December issue dedicated to Ralph Paffenbarger, a long-time advocate of the role of physical activity in lowering the risk of heart disease [“Exercise and the heart: A review of the... Read More
One of the main goals of the Athletics and Recreation Committee is physical activity promotion. As physicians, we can have a significant impact on patients by encouraging them to be more active. A recent example is a... Read More
It’s not hard to come across a news headline highlighting yet another health problem that could be prevented, reduced, or treated by increasing physical activity. A physically active lifestyle not only prevents... Read More