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Author profile

Bill Mackie, MD
We are currently in an era of worry for our economic future and for our children’s future—and this holds for most everyone in BC, across the country, and indeed around the world. The length of time, breadth, and... Read More
The access issues that our patients encounter are an ongoing concern for everyone involved in delivering care. Over the last number of years, the provincial government has implemented programs designed to alleviate... Read More
This is a wonderful time of year when we can warmly remember back to Thanksgiving, surrounded by family, good food, all interspersed with hues of orange and brown, and where we can look forward to Christmas filled... Read More
Although I’ve been aware of the benefits of public transit for a number of years, it really hit home this past month. I’ve had no choice but to ride transit because of a neck injury that has resulted in me ... Read More
We have been embroiled in election rhetoric for what seems like an eternity—most notably from south of the border what with the Democrats and Republicans knocking each other as they vie to win the most powerful seat... Read More
With the recent MOCAP (Medical On-Call Availability Program) changes announced by the health authorities, I thought this an opportune time to try and make sense of a somewhat complex topic. The health authorities’... Read More
Well, as I write this it’s a little more than a week until I become your new president. As I expect many of my predecessors experienced in these early days, I look forward to the challenges ahead, but at the same time... Read More
We know it’s bad for us, but it gives food more flavor. We know it contributes to hypertension, but still, it gives food more flavor. And we know hypertension can lead to stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, and... Read More
Here are some of the issues and solutions to health care problems the Council on Health Promotion (COHP) has developed over the past 50 years: a dementia strategy, air and water quality legislation, mandatory infant car... Read More
Addictive disease is widespread in Canada and the emotional and financial costs are enormous. Addiction causes a huge burden on society, leaving in its wake broken lives, broken families, and a disrupted society laced... Read More