Each November the Insurance Committee reviews the premium and claims experience of the past 12 months of the Member Group Life Insurance plan. Any surplus funds remaining after payment of claims and administration expenses are returned to plan participants in the form of a premium refund. Historically this refund has represented anywhere from 20% to 65% of premiums on coverage up to $500 000—one of the benefits of membership in the BCMA!
Last year we notified plan participants that effective December 2007 refunds will be provided only by direct deposit to the member’s bank account or as a credit applied to their premiums for the following year. Refund cheques will no longer be issued.
This year, the Insurance Committee has approved a refund of 55% of 2006 premiums on the first $500 000 of life insurance. If you have not provided us with your personal banking information, we have applied your 2006 refund to your 1 January 2008 member group life premium invoice. If you would prefer to have future refunds deposited to your bank account, please contact Karen Paul at 604 638-2836 or toll free 1 800 665-2262, ext. 2836 for the appropriate form.
—Sandie Braid, CEBS
BCMA Insurance
[1] https://bcmj.org/cover/december-2007
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