I am writing to comment on the letter from Dr Angus Rae referring to the steps taken by the BCMA to improve the relationship between the Faculty of Medicine (FOM) and clinical faculty. The BCMA has supported clinical faculty and the Section of Clinical Faculty for many years, and continues to allocate resources in this regard.
The letter of intent (LOI) has been a long time coming, and while what is in place may not be ideal to all parties, it is better than what existed before. The process outlined in the LOI is currently underway in anticipation of the upcoming compensation letter renewal in June 2013, and the Section of Clinical Faculty has been actively involved in this process.
The BCMA is committed to representing all of its clinical faculty members, working with the Section and with UBC/FOM to continue to imÂprove teaching conditions, and continuing to improve the relationship between clinical faculty and the university.
—Shelley Ross, MD
BCMA President
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