Receive the latest high-quality evidence available in journal literature tailored to your specific subject areas through the alerting service offered by the College Library.
Receive the latest high-quality evidence available in journal literature tailored to your specific subject areas through the alerting service offered by the College Library. Let us know your areas of interest and College librarians will capture the evidence and send you the results on a monthly basis.
Another way to remain current is with the Library’s table of contents service. Select the journals you wish to follow and we will send you the new tables of contents from the publishers. This is available for any journal, not only the 2500 journals to which the library subscribes. If you find an article of interest, you may download it or we can send you a full-text PDF of almost any article.
A third available service is the free Read by QxMD app. Download this app to your iOS or Android device and select specific journals or choose from preselected subject areas to create a customized feed from the latest medical journals. The app is integrated with the College Library’s journal subscriptions, providing immediate access to full-text articles in our collection. If the app identifies an article of interest but does not locate the full text, contact the Library and we will source a copy through our interlibrary network and send it to you via e-mail as soon as possible.
Please contact the Library at 604 733-6671 or e-mail us at [9] to discuss how the Library can assist you in remaining alert!
—Robert Melrose, Librarian
This article is the opinion of the Library of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC and has not been peer reviewed by the BCMJ Editorial Board.
[7] alert! College Library awareness services&url=